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My SQL Tutorials

SQL is the underlining language that is used by many database software. There are many concepts that you should, at least, be familiar with it you are going to be working with database. These tutorials cover just some of the concepts that SQL has to offer. If you have any nifty ideas that I should know about, please email the web-master. See a tutorial your interested on the link to be brought to it.

Beginner SQL Examles:
Select The basic select statement
Between The same select except that your selected between two values
Group By Same select statement organized by putting rows into groups
In Select only ones that match a list of specific values
Joins The ability to use more than one table at once
Like Select only ones that match partical strings.
Order By The basic select with rows placed in order
Sub Select A select within a select
Advanced SQL Examples:
The Average Function The Average Function.
The Count Function The Count Function.
The Count (Distinct) Function The Count (Distinct) Function.
The Max Function The Max Function.
The Min Function The Min Function.
The Sum Fucntion The Sum Function.
Delete The Delete Statement.
Insert The Insert Statement.
Update The Update Statement.
View Basics Creating and using a simple view.
Cartesian Joins Cartesian joins and products.
Cursor Processing Cursor Processing: Reading one row at a time .
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Last Updated: May 25, 2010

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