Goals For 2015

Looking ahead to the year 2015, here are the goals I am planning to achieve by EOY 2013

1) Learn First Half Of International Standard Figures for the following dances
Slow Waltz
Slow Fox Trot
Viennese Waltz

2) Learn First Half Of International Latin Figures for the following dances
Cha Cha
Paso Doble

3) Master Salsa Routine for Fall 2015 Talent Show!

Goals For 2013

Looking ahead to the year 2013, here are just a few of the goals I am planning to achieve by March 2013

1) Put together open routines for the following dances using what Anna had put together for me as a starting point
      Slow Waltz
      Fox Trot
      Viennese Waltz (To be used for showcase in March Comp)

2) Learn at least one Silver figure for the following dances before comp day (to be used in open routines)
      Slow Waltz
      Fox Trot
      Viennese Waltz

3) Learn First Half Of International Standard Figures for the following dances
      Slow Waltz
      Slow Fox Trot
      Viennese Waltz

Goals for post March Comp

1) Learn at least one Silver figure for the following dances
      Cha Cha
      Paso Doble
      East Coast Swing (Clean Up The One I Know)
      West Coast Swing
2) Learn First Half Of International Latin Figures for the following dances
      Cha Cha
      Paso Doble

Remaining Goals for 2012

Well I know that 2012 is quickly drawing to a close and while I only have the remainder of this month and 3 more complete months I do have some fairly important, and altogether doable, goals.

1) Kick absolute but in the September 29th Team Match as a member of the Norwalk Team once again!! Yea Norwalk!!
2) Learn Steps 6-10 in West Coast Swing!
3) Review Steps 6-10 in the following daces
      Slow Waltz
      Fox Trot
      Viennese Waltz
      Cha Cha
      East Coast Swing
      Paso Doble
4) Successfully complete a checkout from Advance Bronze
5) Graduate To Silver!!!!!

Hello Fellow Dancers…

I have been an amateur dancer at the Fred Astaire Dance Studio in Brookfield/Norwalk/Ridgefield CT since August 2008 and there have been many interesting moments. Let me just re-cap in a brief as possible format.

August 2008:
I started to take lessons at the Fred Astaire Dance Studio in Brookfield with Anja Loeschmann (primary instructor) & Brianna Cavataio.

September 2008:
I participated in my first ever Team Match (Mini Comp)
I graduated to the Advance Social Foundation Level (skipping Beginner Social Foundation Level altogether)

November 2008:
I graduated to the Advance Bronze Level I (skipping Social Bronze Level altogether)

January 2009:
I started my prep work for my very first solo performance (Dance: Fox Trot :: Song: Baby in the Business of Love)

February 2009:
My instructor Anja Loeschmann left the studio and Juliet Thibodeaux from the Fred Astaire Dance Studio Norwalk took over as my primary instructor. We continued work on the solo performance and started to work on getting me ready for my first ever competition in August 2009

June 2009:
My First Ever Solo Perfomance w/ Juliet (Dance: Fox Trot :: Song: Baby in the Business of Love)

August 2009:
Celebrating My 1 Year Anniversary!!
Competed in the Mystic Regional Competition with Juliet Thibodeaux & Brianna Cavataio

November 2009:
Stopped taking lessions in the Fred Astaire Dance Studio in Brookfield w/ Brianna Cavataio and started taking lessons solely in the Fred Astaire Dance Studio in Norwalk w/ Juliet Thibodeaux (primary instructor) & Hanna Rún Óladóttir
Started the International Bronze Program

January 2010:
I graduated to the Advance Bronze Level II
Hanna Rún Óladóttir left the Norwalk Studio and Juliet Thibodeaux continued to be my instructor
Postponed my International Bronze Program to focus completely on Advance Bronze Level II

March 2010:
Competed in the Quincy Regional Competition with Juliet Thibodeaux

June 2010:
My Second Solo Performance w/ Juliet (Dance: Tango :: Song: Pink Panther Theme)

August 2010:
Celebrating My 2 Year Anniversary!!
Competed in the Mystic Regional Competition with Juliet Thibodeaux

November 2010:
Competed in the Mystic Regional Competition with Juliet Thibodeaux

January 2011:
I graduated to the Advance Bronze Level III
I began taking lessons with Anna Trukhan in the Fred Astaire Dance Studio in Ridgefield with Juliet Thibodeaux as my primary instructor.

June 2011:
My Third Solo Performance w/ Juliet (Dance: West Coast Swing :: Song: My Prerogative By Bobby Brown)

August 2011:
Celebrating My 3 Year Anniversary!!
Competed in the Mystic Regional Competition with Juliet Thibodeaux & Anna Trukhan
Did my first Championship in American Rhythm with Juliet Thibodeaux (Did Not Get A Callback However I Finally Felt Like I Accomplished Something)

October 2011:
I participated, with Juliet & Anna, in my last Team Match with Juliet as my instructor
Juliet Thibodeaux left the Norwalk Studio. Jude Coraldi (Norwalk Studio) & Anna Trukhan (Ridgefield Studio) with Anna Trukhan as my primary instructor

January 2012:
I graduated to the Advance Bronze Level IV
I started working on my International Bronze Program w/ Anna Trukhan

August 2012:
Celebrating My 4 Year Anniversary!!
Competed in the Mystic Regional Competition with Anna Trukhan
Did my first Championship in American Smooth with Anna Trukhan (Got A Callback and Placed 6th Out Of 8)

September 2012:
Anna Trukhan left the Ridgefield Studio. Jude Coraldi is now my primary and only instructor.